Downloading Kodi 17.1
I have a Neo X8-H I would like to download Kodi however when I try to login through play store it says that my device is incompatible with Kodi 17.1 so does this mean that I have to download an old version of Kodi?
Kodi v17 requires a minimum of Android 5.x.

If your device is not running at least Android 5.x then you'll have to install an older version of Kodi. Older versions can be found by clicking the download link at the top of this forum and scrolling to the bottom of the linked page.
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I'm not too sure which one to use x86, arm/ or arm64-va/ Since I usually download my Kodi from the App Store

Load up in your Android web browser. Most users will want to use the ARM link, unless you
have an Intel or AMD CPU. You may get a warning trying to download the file depending on which browser you use.
You should say "OK" to actually download it.

I have Quad-Core Cortex A9r4 Processor Octo-Core Mali-450 GPU for my Device does this mean I have to use 86?

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Downloading Kodi 17.10