Solved could not find codec parameters for rtsp://
Hi there, hopefully i am on the right topic. Not sure, were to post this problem.

A short description to the background: I am using KODI 17.1 (Krypton) on different computers and mobile devices: Windows 10 (Installer, not the one from the store - it's way too buggy), Android 5/6 and on Raspberry Pi 3.

My happens just today: I am not able to watch DVB-C iptv-streams from my FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable (Retail) with the IPTV Simple Client anymore on the Raspberry Pi's, while the systems on Windows and Android doesn't have any problem.

If i try to start a stream, it can't be played back. I've switched the logfiles to debug and will post the content here: *link removed*

Until yesterday all were fine on the Pi's. Only difference: Upgrade firmware of FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable from FRITZ!OS 6.63 to FRITZ!OS 6.83

This is a logfile from a windows-machine, here's the streaming absolutely no problem: *link removed*

If i playback the url (rtsp://,16,17,18,20,102,1711,1712,1714) for the above example with VLC Media Player on windows, then i'll get the following media information:
*link removed*

Does anyone have a clue, what's going on? And more important: Does anyone know, how to fix this problem?

Please remove your logs from this thread.

The correct procedure is to paste at a pastebin type site, then post the link here.

-Locate a Pastebin type site. Two examples are or
-Paste the contents of the kodi.log file
-Press Paste or Generate
-When the screen refreshes with your paste, copy the entire address in the address bar and paste it into a new message in your thread
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Post the entire debug log. Do not redact the log.
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Sorry, hopefully this is the better way now:

*link removed* (Logfile from Raspberry Pi while attempting to watch a stream)
*link removed* (Logfile from Windows while attempting to watch a stream)

And this is the codec-info from VLC Video LAN Player while watching this url: *link removed*
Finally i could solve the nasty problem. Somehow the order of dns-resolving has changed on the pi's.

In Germany the very popular "Home Boxes" (from AVM: FRITZ!Box) are using since ages the domain: "". This were no problem, until the tld .box got official last year. Since then, those domains are not reachable at home anymore, if any outside DNS-Server is used.

Until yesterday, my links contained the url "fritz.nas", because the box offered two internal ipv4 addresses for it's services (tv and nas on the 2nd one), but after the firmware-update only one internal ipv4 addresses for all services (could be a firmware bug though, or a new feature).

While Windows itself makes a difference, if you call a domain (error) or (working), the Raspian-Distris seems to make another approach and change the order of the dns-resolver (it's a mdns on 2nd place). This shouldn't be, because all three Rasbian Pi's are joined a Windows AD and getting it's IP-Informations (including DNS, Search-Domain and Gateway) from the DHCP-Server.

So there is NO Problem on side of KODI, and NO Problem on side of IPTV Simple Client AddOn and NO Problem on ffdshow-side.

Blame AVM for not fixing the .box tld-problem -.-
Good news!!

Thank you for sharing the solution so other users may benefit.
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could not find codec parameters for rtsp://0