Actions on playing video
What happens when I play (fullscreen) a video, fe by pressing OK on movie name in MyVideoNav (I am looking at Estuary)?

I imagine it goes like this:

- Kodi plays video full screen
- Now I press OK on remote
- Kodi activates VideoFullScreen and populates VFS' fields with some magic (from manual):
1 label Numpad seek label
10 label Line 1
11 label Line 2
12 label Line 3
- Kodi activates VideoOSD

What I would like to know:
- how pressing OK causes Kodi to load VFS and VOSD? Is the event sent by OK when playing fullscreen video somehow linked internally in a fixed manner to activating/deactivating these two windows?
- what are VFS fields populated with?
- I noticed "back" remote button does not end playback - how to achieve such behaviour?
I'm not sure what you mean by VFS, but the key commands are defined in a keymap.
The default keymap is this one:

So when you press OK in fullscreenvideo that button is mapped to the command "OSD" which opens the appropriate OSD (music or video).

To get back to end playback you would just change your keymap for <Fullscreenvideo> to have your Back key linked to "Stop" rather than "Back". It's not really recommended for skins to attempt to change what keys do (beyond defining basic navigation with onleft onclick etc.). Leave that up to users to change through their own keymaps.
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OK, so what role does VideoFullScreen (this VFS) play?

If I want to display OSD automatically when playback is started, can I assume it is already loaded and just show it with appropriate <visible>?

Is fullscreen playback (a movie played fullscreen) represented by any dialog?

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Actions on playing video0