Windows 7 Pro "Kodi has stopped working" Kodi 17.3

Tried both overwrite of 16.1 and then a fully clean install of Kodi 17.3.

Please review the Kodi log and help me resolve this issue. 16.1 had worked fine, but was getting concerned with the recent security warnings.

Thank you for Kodi and I would appreciate your help.
Looks like your 2008 Radeon HD 3450 might be a bit too old.

Have a look at the Windows supported hardware guide...

As far as I can see, it does not implement DX11 API support.

Sticking with v16.x or upgrading hardware may be your only choices.
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Thank you Karellen for your insight and suggestions.
What kind of risk is there in still using 16.1 and will 16.1 be phased out in the near future?
You are welcome.

Do you use subtitles that you download from websites? If, No there is no issue. The subtitles that come with DVD's and Blurays are not affected.

Most of the subtitle sites have implemented fixes at their end, so the risks are pretty minimal. Of course, there may still be some rouge downloads out there, but if you don't use subtitles it is not an issue.
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Thank you.

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Windows 7 Pro "Kodi has stopped working" Kodi 17.30