v18 [Solved] Wont play most videos
this has affected v18 on both my devices running marshmallow my bravia w800c and also my samsung galaxy s5 since ive been trying to use v18 so the past month. heres a log. the video wont start and skips straight to the next which also does not play. i tried turning play next item automatically off but it still wont play it, i have no idea whats going on, some stuff plays most doesnt. v17 runs fine everything plays.
should be fixed by https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/12477
try todays nightly build
it was bugging me for a month and i was too lazy to debug log now i did and its already been fixed lol

confirmed: FIXED Smile yay thanks. working on both devices. Smile makes me so happy Smile

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[Solved] Wont play most videos1