v17 Missing skin strings when multiple profiles enabled
I enabled multiple profiles (master+second profile) both using the Titan skin but with different menu configurations.

On occasions I lose many (but not all) of what I would call the "skin" strings, such as the strings in the left-hand menu where you choose view of fanart, etc. What I would call dynamic user strings (such as names of programmes and movies) are all fine.

I'm not sure of the cause since it may be fine for a few days. I'm trying to narrow down the exact scenario but thought I would post in case the cause is obvious.

I don't know how the skin strings work but maybe master+second profile are sharing the same string database and one says "fanart is string 20" and then the second profile rebuilds the strings for its menus and says "fanart is string 50" and so gets an empty string due to the two profiles having different menu configurations?

To confirm: missing strings problem does _not_ affect the Estuary skin.

Thanks for any help.
I have this issue but also with Estuary on all my players (PC + Shields). I just installed Kodi on a new Shield 2019 and I had strings in the GUI after enabling multiple profiles, I lost part of the strings. Kodi 18.5.

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