v17 Cast lookup can fail when "Use extended video info dialog" is not checked
On Titan version 3.7.56 on Kodi 17.5:

In my movies, I have the movie 10 (1979).  When I click on the "Cast" button in the regular info dialog, I get a cast list from Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery. which has an idMovie of "10" in the "movie" table in the MySQL database.  This does not happen with the default skin (Estuary) cast list, and does not happen if "Use extended video info dialog" is selected.

I suspect this sort of error would happen with any movie where the title matches the idMovie, but the only other movie I have with a pure numeric title is 1941, and I don't have that many movies total.

Otherwise, thanks for the incredible skin.  It's the only one I have found that I can make look exactly the way I want without having to edit code.

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Cast lookup can fail when "Use extended video info dialog" is not checked0