Kodi Sees Laptop but not External Hard Drive
Running Krypon and I have a laptop with shared folders and files, basically want it to see the external hard drive to pick up all my pictures, videos etc. etc.  When I add UPNP device it shows my "hpmini" but does not show the drive "F" which is also shared, it only shows the empty folders on the pc "Pictures, Videos," etc, I had this all set up previously and now cannot get it to see that drive for the life of me.  I tried SMB but invalid argument, and I know I went through UPNP last time chose the mini and then the sub to "F"
Any help trouble shooting this would be greatly appreciated, driving myself crazy for past day and a half.

Any help is appreciated.
First, for Kodi you shouldn't be using UPnP.  If you are having issues with adding SMB shares and you are running Windows 10 you need to make sure SMB1 is enable on your PC.

If you are still having issues you can just manually add the SMB share by adding smb://your_PCs_IPadress/your_share_path/
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Thank you for that, but always have done this way and had no issues, so again, it shows the Laptop and the "photos, videos, music, pictures" folders but not the external hard drive anyone have a work around, to no avail setting up smb share, actually never been able to get that to work, tried for hours and a no go, always did the above way and always saw drive, would appreciate any help from anyone?

thanks in advance.

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Kodi Sees Laptop but not External Hard Drive0