Android Sony Bravia/Oreo Update 4k Videos?
Hello, I've held off on updating my bravia with the new oreo update because I've read reports that it broke the ability to play 4k videos from an external hd using both the pre-installed video app and vlc. But, I can't find anything on whether or not it also breaks kodi's ability to play them. Does anyone know if that's true or not? Thanks.
It seems to be a hit and miss. Different setups yield different results. As far as I understood it's not application specific but rather breaking passthrough over both arc and optical on system level. Personally I'll be waiting for a better update. Android on bravia has enough drawbacks as it is.
Was looking forward to experiencing the new interface, guess I'll wait til they fix it in a future update. Hope they are aware of the problem. Thanks.
Just check the sony bravia website and looks like there was a new post-oreo update. Anyone know if it fixed the problem that prevented 4k videos from playing through external hard drives?

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Sony Bravia/Oreo Update 4k Videos?0