Android sony http external player

I'm trying to use sony android tv internal player and for that I'm trying to pass video from kodi's http server using replacer in playercorefactory:

        <player name="Sony" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
            <args>-a -d "{1}"</args>
            <replacers action="append">

Unfortunately, from some kodi's 18 RC version, this stopped working, ie I can start playback of the file (over http from NAS) in sony player via adb, the same file plays in kody from smb share, but not via kodi's http vfs.  Is there something wrong with my external player setup?

Thanks in advance.
solution is:

seems that kodi http server does not resolve external servers IPs on the fly, so even if database contains SERVER_NAME in file path, http server will not resolve it when file is requested, so replacer should do this. A bit inconvenient and confusing...

Bottom line: sony external player can be used for files playback, though not for dvd/blu ray since cannot process menu.

Does anyone has idea whether it is possible to "catch" actual *.m2ts and/or vts*.vob being played in videoplayer and pass it through external player selection routine?

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