v19 Nightlies crashing on startup due to add-on
2019-09-03 15:27:07.145 T:18446744073709551614   ERROR: Add-on 'Archive support' is using an incompatible API version for type 'Filesystem'. Kodi API min version = '1.0.3/1.0.3', add-on API version '1.0.2/1.0.2'

This is the last line before it crashes each time. This seems to be able to be reproduced sometime after 080919. Reverting back to 080919. Any ideas what could be causing this?
Archive support version 1.0.5 is available, is this the one you have installed? Are you scanning for new files on launch, if so turn off library updates on start, you may have a corrupt archive Kodi is stumbling on.
(2019-09-04, 01:34)PatK Wrote: Archive support version 1.0.5 is available, is this the one you have installed? Are you scanning for new files on launch, if so turn off library updates on start, you may have a corrupt archive Kodi is stumbling on.

Thank you for the reply. I ensured that I have 1.05 (I do) and turned off scanning at startup when I had an issue with tvdb (or whichever source was broken a couple weeks ago) so it isn't scanning that is going on. Any other ideas?
Throw up a link to a proper debug log to help us pin down the issue, it may be this release.
(2019-09-04, 20:19)PatK Wrote: Throw up a link to a proper debug log to help us pin down the issue, it may be this release.


Kodi doesn't even bring up a gui of any kind. Any ideas? Doesn't happen is I go back a month.
(2019-09-10, 19:52)debennett2 Wrote: Doesn't happen is I go back a month.
To do that are you using 'system restore to an earlier time' ?  If so and it's all working, then the likely explanation is some o/s changes (windows update?) we have no control over these changes. Looking at your log indicates you have ~14 skins available, a bunch of path substitutions, networked library, trakt, and a whole bunch of fun stuff. We need some simplification, how about a portable installation, default skin, no add-ons, no advancedsettings.xml, pick a few videos to put in the local installation (not networked) and make a library, then install Add-on 'Archive support' and let's see if we can get you rolling. https://kodi.wiki/view/Windows_FAQ#Portable
(2019-09-11, 01:43)PatK Wrote:
(2019-09-10, 19:52)debennett2 Wrote: Doesn't happen is I go back a month.
To do that are you using 'system restore to an earlier time' ?  If so and it's all working, then the likely explanation is some o/s changes (windows update?) we have no control over these changes. Looking at your log indicates you have ~14 skins available, a bunch of path substitutions, networked library, trakt, and a whole bunch of fun stuff. We need some simplification, how about a portable installation, default skin, no add-ons, no advancedsettings.xml, pick a few videos to put in the local installation (not networked) and make a library, then install Add-on 'Archive support' and let's see if we can get you rolling. https://kodi.wiki/view/Windows_FAQ#Portable 

I follow the logic, BUT, I mean go back a month in nightlies builds. The 080919 build works ok except when scanning movies. This one and all recent others exhibit the crash described here. Same machine.
(2019-09-11, 13:51)debennett2 Wrote: I mean go back a month in nightlies builds. The 080919 build works ok except when scanning movies
Thanks for that. As you know Kodi is a work in progress, and cutting edge versions are likely to display some aberrations until the mop up squad takes some interest. That minimalist debug log might offer a clue to those who matter, if you have the time.

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Nightlies crashing on startup due to add-on0