Req How about a playlist where you can combine movies and episodes of series

As the title says there would be a playlist where you can combine movies and episodes of series. This is required if you want to create a playlist for Star Trek or Stargate in chronological order.

I know I can now create a simple playlist, but at that time, for example, the information I watched on a video is not linked to a database but to a file. Forgive me for my bad English.

Best regards janozen
The best solution I've come up with is to use nodes. Create a parent node for the franchise in question (say "Star Trek") then create a node for Star Trek - The Original Series which contains all of the TOS episodes. Give it a sort order of "1." Then create a node for "TOS Movies" and have those sorted by year. Give that node a sort order of "2." Now create a node for "Next Generation" and give it an order of "3." Etc. and so forth.

It isn't exactly elegant, but it *does* work. I've been doing this to put things such as anime and the Marvel Cinematic Universe into a reasonable viewing order for my system. Nodes are incredibly powerful and I recommend figuring out how to use them if you really want to micromanage your experience.
I had a similar Idea back in 2015,

The Idea was a kind of Universe Tag.

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How about a playlist where you can combine movies and episodes of series0