Strange Kodi Profile Issue
I have a strange issue with Kodi profiles. I created a profile for a friend and want to copy it to their computer. The profile would be going from PC to Mac. I did this before and it worked out perfectly. However when I do it this time I copy it to this path /Users/<your_user_name>/Library/Application Support/Kodi/ and replace the addon and userdata folders with the ones I created. Now when I usually do this I usually see everything from the profile I created. But once I copy addon and userdata folders over and restart Kodi it keeps on creating a new userdata and addon folders. I rename the original install addon and userdata folders but it keeps creating new ones and not reading the ones I copied over. Any ideas as to why? Perhaps something in the folders I'm copying over has become corrupt?
The expected behaviour is to set up each profile through the 'create profile' in settings. My take on it would be to go through the process of creating the profile on the new machine which should make all the folders/files needed (after a shut down and re-launch to test functionality) for a quick transfer. you might want to stick with just the 'profiles.xml' file use an editor to ensure the settings are correct. Obviously the entire userdata folder would not be a good idea, the paths would not match-up.

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