Just a few questions
I Used XBMC on my xbox1 about 2 years ago, but i sold that modded xbox to buy my 360 and games for it. So i just installed XBMC on my comp yesterday, im running vista 32 bit, and i have a few questions im hoping can be answered Smile

1. When playing music, why is there no play / pause / stop / forward / back / shuffle all songs / repeat etc, etc.. buttons?

2. at the top of my screen whether it is ful screen or not, i have writing at the top that says FreeMem then a bunch of numbers changing very rapidly, and some more writing after it, whats the deal with that?

3. I have 2 monitors, is it possible for it to open fullscreen on my left monitor? and can use my mouse free like on windowed mode?

4. What are some other cool things i can do with this awesome looking app?

any responses are appreciated, thanks in advance guys!

- Klepto
Hi there, and welcome.

1. Completely dependent on the skin you are using, but most of the time you press M to get these popped up.

2. Settings->System->Enable Debug Logging. Turn it off. It's now off by default.

3. No idea.

4. Lots of stuff. Play around with it, look through the forums, discover new things.

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thanks jmarshall! i just watched the video blog of you guys, was great!
Theres some third party software called ultramon that might help you get XBMC to open on a second screen by default, however afaik a limitation of the SDL version currently employed prevents freeing the mouse from the XBMC window when in fullscreen.
3. We're still looking for builtin solutions to start XBMC on different monitors. Current fav would be SDL 1.3 which shall support multi monitors but it's unknown when it's released.
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Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.

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