Passing built-in control label values to myvideonav.xml
Hi, for the following dialogs - extendedprogressdialog, notification - I have a standard design that lives in these dialog xmls fine, but I want a custom design for when my home screen or viewtypes are active. 

I'm a bit stuck right now whichever way I approach this... If I place the custom controls in the dialog xmls, they can't read the visibility conditions of controls within myvideonav.xml that I need. And if I place them in myvideonav.xml, I can't get the values of the labels (e.g. the info label with id "31" in extendedprogressdialog).

I think that myvideonav.xml can't see controls that live in dialogs and vice versa, as doing Control.GetLabel(31) stays blank, and in the dialog view, Control.IsVisible(50) for my list view also dosen't work properly.

I tried to get around this with window properties, but I can't figure out how to have it so that the window property is updated as soon as extendedprogressdialog is opened and continuously updates if that value changes.

Any ideas?

Ultimately, I want to be able to put the values of the title and info labels from the notfifcation and extendedprogress dialogs into a label in my main views...

Thanks for any help!
unsure if i get you right :-)

did you try using includes for your dialogs ?

[window.isactive(home) | window.isactive(videos)] use include layout a

if not true use include layout b

- also you should be able to fetch the labels via properties, at onload for the dialogs and clear them on unload
Skins |  Titan M O D   •   S W A N (WIP)
You're correct in assuming that dialogs can't get labels from a window.

In your case I'd simply split the 2 layouts you want into separate includes, then in the dialogs just use conditional includes to load the ones you want. I did the same thing in fTV.
(2021-01-08, 18:22)Hitcher Wrote: You're correct in assuming that dialogs can't get labels from a window.

In your case I'd simply split the 2 layouts you want into separate includes, then in the dialogs just use conditional includes to load the ones you want. I did the same thing in fTV.
Thanks, will give this a go instead!

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Passing built-in control label values to myvideonav.xml0