Understanding the progress control
I am trying to upgrade existing video OSD / seekbar progress control for PVR / timeshifting, and I'm finding I really have no idea how the control is supposed to work, in particular what does info2 do compared to info, and also the textures.

I'm looking at Estuary code and comparing it to what I see on-screen but it is slow going.

It would be nice if there was some sort of picture of the control that highlights the different elements.  I am aware of these: 14316 (PR) but I'm having trouble relating the graphics to the actual skin control code elements.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
OK I spent some time testing how the progress control works.  I don't think it is like suggested in the wiki.

1.  There are 2 variants of the progress control.  The simple progress control has a single <info> attribute which is a percentage of the full bar.

2.  For both control variants, <texturebg> is a texture drawn across the entire bar dimensions.

3.  For the simple progress control, the <midtexture> is drawn on the left side of the <info> percentage position.  The <texturebg> is visible to the right.

4.  For the simple progress control, if either or both of <lefttexture> or <righttexture> are defined, they will replace the <midtexture>, with <lefttexture> drawn to the left side of the <info> percentage position, and <righttexture> to the right.  <midtexture> is not drawn.

5.  For the complex progress control, there are two "infos".  <info2> is on the left side of the control and <info> on the right side.  In other words, at least as currently implemented <info2> is less than <info> percentage.

6.  For the complex progress control, <lefttexture> and <righttexture> if defined, give unusable results (the progress  based on where the textures were drawn didn't seem to correlate with either <info2> or <info> percentages).

7.  For the complex progress control, <midtexture> fills the area between <info2>  and <info>, with only <texturebg> visible on either end.

8.  I didn't try the <overlaytexture> as I couldn't see a use case for it.

9.  I tried <reveal> true and false, and couldn't see a difference.

10.  Tested on fullscreenvideo with liveTV

scott s.

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