Duoflex + CI from Digital Devices
Hi, I have a DD Duoflex with CI/AlphaCrypt CAM and PCI bridge v1.
Is it possible to get this working in Kodi (LibreELEC)?
The hardware is okay. Tried it on Windows MCE but I don't like Windows...

Image can be found here.
It is better to ask in the coreelec forum.
(2021-05-10, 12:36)m.r.f. Wrote: It is better to ask in the coreelec forum.

Sorry but that’s terrible advice. The device referenced is a PCIe tuner for use in a PC, nothing to do with CoreELEC.

I’d there are Linux drivers for the tuner next steps would be to install a tvheadend server and try tuning some channels. If that works as expected then install the Kodi tvh client.
(2021-05-10, 10:11)RogerdePoger Wrote: Hi, I have a DD Duoflex with CI/AlphaCrypt CAM and PCI bridge v1.
Is it possible to get this working in Kodi (LibreELEC)?
The hardware is okay. Tried it on Windows MCE but I don't like Windows...

Image can be found here.

It might be worth posting questions in the forums for TV Headend, VDR, MythTV, NextPVR etc. There are sub-forums here specific to Kodi - but also these projects also have support forums of their own.  

I've had good experiences with the TV Headend support forum at tvheadend.org

Kodi itself doesn't support specific TV cards (ATSC, DVB etc.) but instead has PVR Front-ends that connect to a separately running PVR Server (that could be running on the same machine as Kodi, or on a separate machine on the network, possibly running a different OS).  The OS that the PVR server runs on is the one that needs to have compatibility with your specific tuner.  

There are some combined 'Kodi + OS' builds like LibreElec that include both Kodi and an OS, and LibreElec also includes a TV Headend server service that can be installed (and there are Intel builds of LibreElec, unlike CoreElec).  However whether it includes drivers for your specific card I don't know - and installing third party drivers on LibreElec is trickier than it is on more general Linux OSs like Ubuntu.

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Duoflex + CI from Digital Devices0