Solved Kodi 19.1 no VAPII acceleration on interlaced content
I just did a clean install of Kodi 19.1 on my system running Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop and when I try to play anything that is interlaced, I can see it is not being de-interlaced so when I go in and look at the setting de-interlacing is off, if I try to use either option it get way worst, but what I am noticing is in both Kodi 17 and 18 it was on by default and it always showed as VAPII-Bob, where as under 19 I just see Bob.  So I assume that means it is not using the acceleration?  Am I missing something, under the system settings I can see VAPII is turned on.

Thanks, UbuntuUser
You miss your Debug Log ...
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
I found the problem, if anyone has this in there log... the requested VAProfile is not supported. The fix for me was "sudo apt install intel-media-va-driver-non-free".

Thanks, UbuntuUser
Thread marked solved.

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