Req Ability to Delete Multiple TV Recordings at the same time
Not sure if this has ever been requested before, but would like to see the ability to select multiple TV recordings at the same time when deleting recordings. Currently, TV recordings can only be deleted one at a time and on each occasion these have have to be confirmed by pressing 'Yes' on a confirmation dialog.
I've just deleted 28 recordings tonight, which took quite a few minutes to do. Multiple selection and delete would be a much easier and quicker option.
I also would like to have this feature and thought about this more than one time.

Unfortunately, as far as I know, Kodi has no concept for multi selection of items in lists (thus no implementation in the respective GUI code library). So, I have no idea how to implement it.
Oh Poop!
Not really that surprised, as I couldn't think of anywhere else within Kodi that had the ability to select multiple items like this, when I posted the request.
I'll just need to start watching my recordings a bit quicker then..... Wink
And you have the context menu item "delete watched".
Never even noticed that option before....Cheers!  Smile

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Ability to Delete Multiple TV Recordings at the same time0