Kodi randomly closing on Fire TV
When opening Kodi for the first time if the TV has been off for X amount of time it opens, loads a bit then closes on it's own. After that I can open and it will just work. Time of close is random. Sometimes I can get some media playing, others it's almost as fast as I can start navigating the menus. This is on a Toshiba Fire TV. I have the same problem on my Google TV dongle. Hoping to hit them both in one shot if possible. Thank you for your time.

Without any replies to the post I can only guess that means no one sees a problem. That being said I have found what triggers the issue. This happens on both the above logged FireTV as well as my Google Chromecast Dongle.

Steps tried in order till found. I did not revert the changes between steps.

1 - Made sure app current and cache cleared. No effect
2 - Stopped automatic library update on Kodi load. This was the first step that worked. However if I started a media file to soon after opening Kodi it crashed out again.
3 - I run mythtv at home. I waited for the Mythtv addon to finish loading it's information from the server. Started a media file and all is well. I can reproduce this string of events on the Google device as well.

I'm not educated enough to know however this is where I'm at. Without anything definitive on the log(s) I can't even begin to speculate on a solution if it's even Kodi at fault.

I'm fairly certain the whole thing is crashing so fast that it can't even log a crash. Just a flat crash on the android side maybe? The library activity on first load + the mythtv activity I think is just to much for these devices to also fire a media file while they are running. Kodi will also crash out without a media file being played if both the library update & mythtv update happen at the same time. While I don't know for sure I'm assuming it loads and stays on the second time as it's already done most of it's updated before crashing out and starts over since it's so soon via internal timestamps? Above my pay grade. I haven't a clue how to look at or if I even can look at logs on the devices themselves.

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Kodi randomly closing on Fire TV0