Solved Kodi, FTP and Why I can't see the files

I'm a long time Kodi user, first time trying to access my media via FTP from a remote location. I have an FTP server running and accessible. I can see all the files (although they are set to read only, in the jail of the FTP server in FreeBSD) and folders and download them via remote and local ftp clients. 

However, when I go to Add Sources -> Network Location (~) -> "ftp ip address/base folder/right port/login is correct" I see blank folders and no media. I even type different file directories and it accesses them, but no folders or files are found amongst them. 

I must be doing something wrong. I've attached a link to photos of what I see when I navigate to one of the FTP folder shares

Photos of problem

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
FreeBSD with FTP is not our typical setup combi for Kodi support, but normally "it should work".™ The first order of business typically is to enable 'Debugging' via the Kodi GUI, and restart Kodi, so the log file can be in more detail. Providing that debug log (wiki) will give us the initial under water look and see what is going on.

On an alternative note, have you also tried using a FTP connection on OS level, and have Kodi use that instead? System connections should be more stable overall.
I will use the debug function, and I have mounted the ftp drive to Windows via "Add Network Locations". I do not know how to get Kodi to access that. That would go a long way. Thank you.
Debug Logs
More Debug Logs
Just to confirm, I have connected and manipulated the files in Filezilla in Windows. All permissions are malleable, if I need the Read-Only flags removed - I can do it, but I have tried with them removed and it did not fix it. 

I tried mount an FTP location to windows, but since it does not assign a drive letter, Kodi cannot find the folder. If someone knows how to fix that, I can use that workaround. 

I'm very confused, because I swore I had it working and had to close it because I was doing it on my phone as an external network connection and it was downloading the Filmornography folder. 

I'm going to reinstall and try and then wait for replies. I hope someone can clarify my issue. 

Thank you to all who help!
2022-03-08 23:22:46.708 T:892 INFO <general>: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
2022-03-08 23:22:46.732 T:892 DEBUG <general>: CurlFile::Open(0xea56bfd1c0) ftp://USERNAME:[email protected]:21/Televisionomics/
2022-03-08 23:22:46.741 T:892 WARNING <general>: VIDEO::CVideoInfoScanner:Tonguerocess directory 'ftp://USERNAME:[email protected]:21/Televisionomics/Televisionomics/' does not exist - skipping scan.
2022-03-08 23:22:46.743 T:892 INFO <general>: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:00
2022-03-08 23:22:46.748 T:13668 DEBUG <general>: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (sources://video/)
2022-03-08 23:22:46.748 T:13668 DEBUG <general>: ParentPath = [sources://video/]
Yeah... "doesn't exist" is not extremely helpful. But is this part correct: /Televisionomics/Televisionomics/ ?
Yes, that folder exists in that structure with that capitalization.

I can even set the root to aspecific movie and there is no file in there either. Truly a conundrum for me!
(2022-03-09, 07:03)George Costabaplaps Wrote: I see blank folders and no media.
Side note: (and not likely your issue, but something to check) I get this when the drives on the windows side are not set for 'shared' with network path for SMB.
(2022-03-09, 19:33)PatK Wrote:
(2022-03-09, 07:03)George Costabaplaps Wrote: I see blank folders and no media.
Side note: (and not likely your issue, but something to check) I get this when the drives on the windows side are not set for 'shared' with network path for SMB.

I am going to rebuild the ftp jail and test persimmons, just to see if it's something I did after I had success with it the very first time.

I just wish there was a safe way to mount an SMB share over TCP/IP. Or that FTPUse was active for Windows 10/11.

I appreciate the side note, I hope someone has experienced what I have. If I solve it I'll be sure to post my methodology for the future

Rebuilding the Jail and FTP server with new users worked. Multiple external networks confirm it with DNS and IP.
Thread marked solved.
(2022-03-10, 01:04)George Costabaplaps Wrote: Rebuilding the Jail and FTP server with new users worked. Multiple external networks confirm it with DNS and IP.
Thanks for getting back to us with that note.
It's just my personal opinion right here but as for me, I strongly believe that you need to get more information about this *BLEEP* because it seems to me that you won't face this problem using that one there. If you still have any issues, you can read more reviews on the Internet as well.

*URL removed by moderator

It's just my personal opinion that I strongly believe that bullshit posts by newcomers like yours have no place on this forum, and that also linking to any (semi) commercial piece of software is considered bad etiquette as per our forum rules (wiki).

So either make an actual constructive contribution to this support forum, or take your BS elsewhere. This is your first and final warning.

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Kodi, FTP and Why I can't see the files0