Shield 4k disk issue

Have 2 questions but the first one is my main focus.

1)Have been having issues with kodi on shield pro off a synology nas. Some of the 4k menus like “the fog “and “escape ny “arent playing right. Just the menu screen with motion video not the movie. Read somewhere it was a java issue …maybe? It said there was an update but confused what it is or how to do it.

2) Also Cant seem to escape the playing movie to go back to the main menu on iso copies.

I see a post it at the top of this forum in “the post for all to read” section. (
Is this link what i need? It mentions java. Am i supposed to use all the links provided? A bit confused are these code to implant or downloads? How do i get them on the shield? Is this a transfer from a network computer thing or is there a way to download or fix the code from within shield?

If im incorrect about the above post then any feedback appreciated.

What do you mean by "the above post"?

If you are referring to another thread in this sub-forum you will need to paste a link to it in your thread so people know what you are talking about because when you create a thread it is your thread that will be at the top of the forum until someone replies to or creates another.

Your whole post is very confusing.
Always read the Wiki, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
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I added it into the post but here itnis as well.

Its the top posted “read me “ type post not sure how to describe it.
The short answer is that thread and build (based on v19.0 Matrix) were long ago abandoned by the developer (fandangos) who started them and are frozen in time.

That build + the 'works' but as you have discovered doesn't work perfectly and has overall problems such as being extremely sluggish.

If you have it working at all, you've likely installed things correctly.  For a Shield Pro you only need/want the + the

This thread picked up where that one left off but nothing changed, fandangos went away last year.

This (German) thread started by developer Maven is where development continued, implementing the work from fandangos however it appears all those folks really care about is Dolby Vision support and nobody mentions Blu-Ray menu support (which appears to no longer work in those builds).

Confused yet?

Additionally it appears that neither Blu-Ray menu or Dolby Vision support will be part of the next version of Kodi v20 (Nexus)

I think I got all that right, I'm sure some smug know it all will correct me if I'm wrong.
Thank you that helps alot.

So hypothetically,assuming you know, (or there is an answer and not just a series of trade offs) is there a build that would support both dv and bluray menus? If so what playform, mac? Pc? I also need 3d playback (i know howto mux the files) assuming thats an issue. I dont have any attachment to the shield it just seemed the easiest quick way to build a system.

On the novel side any idea why kodi is dropping dv support?
(2022-11-12, 20:28)Jman5150 Wrote: Thank you that helps alot.

So hypothetically,assuming you know, (or there is an answer and not just a series of trade offs) is there a build that would support both dv and bluray menus? If so what playform, mac? Pc? I also need 3d playback (i know howto mux the files) assuming thats an issue. I dont have any attachment to the shield it just seemed the easiest quick way to build a system.

On the novel side any idea why kodi is dropping dv support?
So far in my experience the only build for Android that supports blu-ray menus is the now old v19.0 fandangos build which required his hacked in java stuff which (apparently) Maven wasn't able or willing to try and shoehorn in his Android builds. I asked about this in the English thread (and got zero response) but haven't tried in the German thread.

DV support in the latest and greatest Android builds by Maven appears to be no problem but I can't comment with authority on that since I don't currently have a DV display to test with.

For my part what I really want is blu-ray menu support on Kodi Android but reading between the lines it appears that may be a lost cause and that almost nobody else seems to care about it.

I believe on the PC Windows side things may well be better in terms of Blu-Ray menu support since Java support in that environment is way easier than on Android.  Not sure about DV support there.

I can't comment on Mac.

Re: Kodi dropping DV support I don't believe that is the case but that implementing it required some changes to ffmpeg which have just recently been completed but didn't quite make it in time to be included in v20 Nexus.
You been very very helpful thank you! Its been confusion at times to navigated but you gave some great clarity thank you!

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