Android Dolby Passthrough and Video Playback Problems with Kodi Packer
I think this is probably a bug, but not sure.  I saw these exact same problems with 19.3, but everything seemed fine with 19.4.  I installed 19.5 yesterday, and it is wonky again.  When I first installed 19.5, the audio passthrough stopped working, and I had to fiddle around again with the settings to get it to work agaiin, just like I initially had done with 19.3.

I have a MECOOL KM2 Plus Android TV Box running Android TV 11.  I am playing both H.264 and H.265 files with the same problem:

If I play a video with Audio passthrough enabled and using the recommended Passthrough Output Device "AudioTrack (IEC) Kodi IEC Packer (recommended", the video playback has numerous problems, including sometimes stuck in a short loop where it jumps back about 10 seconds constantly, VERY badly out of sync audio (off by a second or more), and most commonly, the audio looks like it is in sync, but blips on and off every few seconds.

If I either pause or stop the video, go to the Settings and change the packer to the "AudioTrack (RAW)" packer, the same file plays fine when resumed.
Kodi log is here:

For this log, I turned on logging and restarted Kodi with the RAW packer, and the file played fine.  I then went to Settings and changed the packer to the Kodi IEC packer, and resumed the video with all of the symptoms noted above.  Just pausing the video and un-pausing it while using the Kodi IEC packer usually changes the specific symptom from either the badly out of sync audio or the off/on audio.  Although it is not possible to predict which specific problem I will see, the consistent thing is that while using the Kodi IEC packer, there will ALWAYS be a problem during playback.  I have repeated this test at least 6 times this morning with 19.5, and the problems are 100% repeatable today.  The problems are consistent with multiple different video files.
i am having the same problem !
(2023-01-12, 10:37)tveronesi Wrote: i am having the same problem

"Me-too" posts like yours are not that helpful. Instead, provide a debug log (wiki) of your Kodi setup so we can have a glimpse of what is actually happening.

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Dolby Passthrough and Video Playback Problems with Kodi Packer0