Can't get Thai font working
On my previous Android Media players I could manage to put the ARIALUNI.TTF in the   /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/media folder.
It did still work on my previous Nokia 8000 MediaPlayer. But now I bought the Nokia 8010 (More RAM, Memory and faster CPU and extra USB-port)
But now I can not get into that "hidden" folder in the MediaPlayer.....
I always used/followed this "How To" explanation;
But this time on this MediaPlayer (Nokia 8010) with Kodi Nexus 20.1 it doesn't work. It looks like it's impossible to get into that directory
I end in /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files after that each of the at least 10 file-explorers I used goes no further.....
so the hidden subdirs /.kodi/media can't be accessed.... giving "Access Denied" even when I enable "Show hidden" and alike.

After having tried for 3 days, hours and hours per day, I can't find any solution anymore.

Anyone have any though how I can put the ARIALUNI.TTF, renamed to arial.ttf (includes asian language fonts like Thai) in this /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/media folder.
Or any other folder where it finally works in skins?
Or maybe maybe, mayyyyybbbeee..... someone is able to create a zip/repository that bypasses the security?
Worst case scenario would be rooting the system, but that is sometrhing I've never tried on a MediaPlayer (okay just once.... which ended up in the trash-bin)

Or is there a way to connect the mediaplayer to a laptop and access the system/directories, and try it that way?

Thank you in advance for any help
I'm having the same problem. Did you ever find a solution?

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Can't get Thai font working0