Nexus 20.1 DTS HD MA problem
Hi! There is a problem with DTS HD MA audio output in nexus 20.1. Tracks are defined on these videos as dolby Digital, but this is incorrect. There is no such problem in Kodu 19.x.  (Amlogic 922x chip)

Adele - Rolling In The Deep.ts
Adele - Chasing Pavements.ts
adele rolling in the deep is not dtshd-ma and it looks like the file has invalid data

see ffmpeg output -


improved playback (but not perfect) when remuxing to mkv further lends itself to corrupt file

ffmpeg -i Adele\ -\ Rolling\ In\ The\ Deep.ts -map 0 -c copy Adele\ -\ Rolling\ In\ The\ Deep.mkv

the original file has skips and jumps
the mkv full remux is badly out of sync (original could have been too but hard to tell with the skips)

an audio only remux with the hra track plays fine

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Nexus 20.1 DTS HD MA problem0