Release RIPE Meetings video add-on for KODI

I have made a video add-on for Kodi to watch the RIPE Meetings recorded videos from the the RIPE website:

A RIPE Meeting takes place over multiple days and brings together Internet service providers, network operators and other interested parties from around the world to:

* Participate in discussions about the policies and procedures used by the RIPE NCC to allocate Internet number resources
* Participate in the RIPE Working Group sessions to discuss current technical and policy issues
* Share experiences, latest developments and best common practices
* Develop their network of peers in the Internet community

RIPE Meetings are open to everyone. They bring together people from different backgrounds, cultures, beliefs and genders. The RIPE community is unique and prides itself on providing a safe, supportive and respectful environment.

This add-on allows you to watch the videos recorded during more than 12 years of RIPE Meeting events located on their corresponding RIPE Meeting event website.

Although the video add-on is well tested during developing time on several platforms, I would like to receive some feedback from the community, before let it available into the official repository.

During that time, you can download and install the zip file directly from the GitHub repository using this link, following the standard installation way for any zip file add-on. That link will not change along the bug fixes, and can be used to get the latest release until the add-on is finally uploaded to the official repository.

Any comments, suggestions of improvement, and issue notifications would be very welcome. Please use this forum thread for that, and I'll try to reply as soon as I can.

If you find any problem and wants to let me know it, please activate the debug logs from the Add-on settings, and post it on this forum thread using a Kodi pastebin link.

This thread will be used to provide the official add-on support as well.

Enjoy it!


The add-on is already released for Matrix and Nexus and can be directly installed from the official repositories.

Enjoy it!


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RIPE Meetings video add-on for KODI0