v21 Kodi 21 Splash Screen?
Apologies if this is a simple question, im new to Kodi and Android.
Im looking to change the initial Kodi Slpash screen image when starting Kodi. Searching the forums suggests this is Splash.jpg and would be located in "Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/kodi/media", however when I browse this folder using an Android file explorer (xplorer I think it was called), this folder appears to be empty despite having show hidden files enabled.

Could someone point me in the right direction? Using Nvidia Shield.

yes, the folder is empty by default

once you put your image in that location, it will no longer be empty and kodi will display the image

verified with splash.png but i expect .jpg to work

(warning, it may be case sensitive)
ah, brilliant, thank you.
I hadn’t read that anywhere else.

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