Kodi + LG TV (webOS) + HTPC
New user trying to get started looking for basic connectivity help please.

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 on home network static IP, all known configuration, wide open, no passwords, all administrator rights
LG 43” TV - LG43UP8000PTB - rooted and Developer mode installed Homebrew with modded version of Kodi installed

Performed this procedure on LG TV:

Whilst W7 computer and TV are at opposite ends of house, not in same room, they are both connected to network by Cat5 cabling. Wifi although present as well is not used for connectivity, so the connection is strong, fast and reliable. I am currently using LG's own streaming software called SmartShare which uses DLNA to share media files between the two devices. This works fine, but it is very clunky and rudimentary. LG does not support or improve the SmartShare software, so it is what it is, but is not being improved or developed any further.

I was hoping that Kodi could be the better, more professional solution to running an HTPC through my LG TV, but the only problem is I can't find any guides on specifically how to use it for my specific use. I don't want to screen mirror, or stream from a phone or tablet or anything like that. I just want to be able to browse the files on my W7 HTPC from the TV screen using the TV remote just like LG SmartShare does. Can anyone please help with a guide to do this?

As best I can tell, Kodi is installed and working on my W7 HYPC and also working via an app on my LG TV running webOS. The only problem I have is how to get them to talk to each other and share the library of media files. I thought this would be intuitive and easy to set up like SmartShare was, but it's not.

Thank you
the mistake you are making is trying to use a client as a server, kodi is not intended to be a server

it is intended to be on the device that is doing the playback - in your situation on the tv or a device connected to the tv via hdmi (android/apple/xbox/etc)

you might be able to use kodi on lg webos but i dont know your version or anything about your tv - https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=368381

alternate solutions are to use a media server, jellyfin, plex, emby etc. (i prefer jellyfin)
set up windows file sharing on the PC and use kodi's builtin SMB client to access the files on the TV
How do I get around the necessity to setup passwords to every network location when I don't have any passwords set? Kodi client won't accept no passwords as an option and I don't want to have to massively complicate my entire network by creating all new usernames and passwords for every computer on my network when I'm the only one who uses them and I already know who I am.
Also, how do I stop Kodi from prompting a million times on every start if I want to enable a million add-ons before I can get to the configuration menu? This is unbelievably annoying when you're starting out and you have no idea what any of these add-ons even are let alone whether or not you want them. I can't find any setting or menu item anywhere to tell Kodi to not do this on startup.

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Kodi + LG TV (webOS) + HTPC0