ZeroConf and HTSP Support
I have been looking into ZeroConf/Avahi support within Kodi, specifically support for the HTSP protocol (TVHeadEnd).

Although I realise that the documentation may be incomplete, the following page lists HTSP as a supported service.

Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)

Does anyone know or recollect exactly that type of support for ZeroConf/HTSP Kodi actually provides?

Note: My goal is to one day add an auto-configuration option to the pvr.hts client.  I'm happy to be proven wrong, however, at the moment, I don't see a mechanism by which Kodi can learn about HTSP services nor a mechanism by which a binary addon can extract ZeroConf information from Kodi.

On my Linux system (LibreELEC), the 'avahi-browse -a -v -r' command displays changes to both '_htsp._tcp' and ' _http._tcp' services as I start and stop my TVH server.  This suggests to me that the TVH server is advertising correctly via AVAHI and that, at least at the OS level, the TVH server is being seen.  This was also confirmed via Kodi debug logging where 'CWSDiscoveryListenerUDP' reported receiving some updates at the same time that ‘avahi-browse’ does.

Although I don’t expect to see HTSP in the Kodi file manager, I can browse ZeroConf sources and I can see 'SAMBA' and 'SFTP' services being advertised by both local and remote LibreELEC instances.  So it would seem that at least some ZeroConf is getting into Kodi.

I have looked in the HTSP PVR client addon and I am currently unable to see any means by which it could discover TVH servers via ZeroConf.

As far as I can tell, Kodi does not actually support HTSP via ZeroConf.  Have I missed something?
If I remember correctly, before PVR add-ons where "invented", HTSP was supported in XBMC via VFS. This feature was removed once pvr.hts got available. I think the wiki page was not updated when this happened.
Sounds reasonable.  Thanks @ksooo.

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