When I press right on my remote, it jumps about 40 seconds. Can I adjust this interval?
"smallseekinterval" or something like that in advancedsettings.xml.

Great work on the extremely detailed and accurate thread title BTW Wink
althekiller Wrote:"smallseekinterval" or something like that in advancedsettings.xml.

Great work on the extremely detailed and accurate thread title BTW Wink

Haha. I was typing the title, got disctracted, and then continued in the message itself, so i was about to typ scroll seek thingy or something.
BTW: I cant find anything on smallseek interval or something. Could you please describe a little better?
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sho Wrote:

Great thanks!
Some weird thing is happening now.

When I seek forward using the fast forward button and when Im at some position and press play, it resumes and plays fine. But when im reversing to an ealier point and press play, the sound goes normal but the video itself is still going reverse. What the heck is going on here?

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