DisplayRemoteCodes in Windows Version?
I've followed all the recommendations found searching through these forums and other places to enable the displaying of codes sent by my LeadTek Cool Control remote. However, no matter where and how I put the <displayremotecodes> directive in advancedsettings.xml the codes never show on screen. XBMC is reacting to the arrow buttons and several buttons as the enter key but I'd like to get the full functionality. The logs show the advancedsettings.xml file being read on startup so the directive just looks like its being ignored.

Is there anything different about the Windows version that stops displayremotecodes from working?
its only working for the original xbox, since xbmc on windows dont have anything to do with remotecontrollers due the nature of the setup, check your remote control app!

ill suggesst eventghost for all ir matters Wink

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DisplayRemoteCodes in Windows Version?0