[APPLE TV] Play a CSS encrypted DVD-Video over the network from a disc in a computer?
Hi everybody,

First of all Iwant to thank all the people from this forum because I'm trying to solve my "problems" with ATV for many days and I didn't find anything who knows what's going on in a ATV's XBMC

I've got an AppleTV with XBMC for a couple of weeks and my first problem is when I try to play a DVD which os located on my MacBook. This DVD is a protectd DVD (video ts format) and I cannot play this DVD. The XBMC is seeing the DVD but I'm not able to play it, I just see the directoris in the DVD disc.Shocked

My second problem is a question. Can I use a Logitech Dinovo Mini (bluetooth) with XBMC on AppleTV? If so, how can I configure it?

Many thanks in advanceBig Grin
Hi everybody,

I've got an appletv with xbmc installed and working fine, but I've got two questions.

I've got a protected DVD (pinck panther for my kidsLaugh) on my macbook drive in video ts and audio ts format. I go from XBMC menu to my macbook drive and the appletv is able to see the two directories (video ts and audio ts) but is not able to play the video.

How can I play dvd videos from my macbook drive?

second question: is it possible to connect my bluetooth logitech dinovo mini key board (wich is running perfectly with my macbook) and if so how?

Thanks in advance for your helpBig Grin
Hi pclosa, i can play a dvd from my notebook dvd drive via xbmc on my xbox (occasionally I'll find my xbox dvd doesn't like a hired dvd and won't play it - seems a bit fussy with dual layer discs).

Like you, I just shared my drive on my notebook (although it's a windows machine) - within xbmc I need to navigate into the VIDEO_TS folder of the dvd file structure and play the first vob file - xbmc will then usually play the dvd the whole way through...

hopefully it's the same for xbmc on an atv and conencting to a macbook...
Hi ads_german, I will try tonight what you say, and I hope it'll work fine.

Thanks a million

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[APPLE TV] Play a CSS encrypted DVD-Video over the network from a disc in a computer?0