Scraping Fanart automatically

Recently I exported my entire video library into one single file. Then for some reason later my library got erased, most likley after some external player execrcises I did. So therefor I imported the video library, but it seems that when you export in one single file, allt fanart and thumbs are excluded in the export.

So, this means I have to go through all my movies and update both the thumbs and the fanart manually :/
Is there perhaps some way of doing this automatically?

I did try to do "update library" but the thumbs and fanart are not updated.

One quick fix I found, but not really the thing I was hoping for, is to delete those movies I have in my library and do an update. But then if I have renamed the title before I exported then this work is lost.
First, your cached thumbs/fanart should still exists, so unless the paths have changed you *should* be good.
But, you could always try to export the newly imported db to separate files.
Then delete the db file and rescan the entire library.
If the individual nfo files contain urls pointing towards the correct images XBMC again *should* fetch them.
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Thank you for this tip, I will try this Smile

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Scraping Fanart automatically0