XUL applications support - Boxee XULRunner Runtime Web Parser/Browser?
So, I was just reading the new release info for Boxee, and I see they've now got a Mozilla-based browser implemented:



Not to beat a dead horse here...but what are the chances of someday seeing this in regular ol' XBMC?

I know how the discussions have gone in the past about "yall devs'" feelings on having a browser in XBMC, but in light of this recent development, I thought maybe it would be safe to once again breach the subject.

So...what are the odd that Boxee and XBMC would/could someday share this browser?
If they release the sourcecode of the implementation it might be possible.

I would say none of the developers are really against adding a browser if the code is correct and such, more that no developer feels the need for it is strong enough to do the legwork of implementing it Smile

So if you can point to the source-code for it and open a ticket I´m sure it will be looked at.

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"Well Im gonna download the code and look at it a bit but I'm certainly not a really good C/C++ programer but I'd help as much as I can, I mostly write in C#."

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XUL applications support - Boxee XULRunner Runtime Web Parser/Browser?0