Shared database problem...
I have 2 systems sharing the database on a server. The server runs XBMC as well and is used to update the library. Both remote systems can read the database but only 1 can update the database. The server and 1 of the remote systems can update the library. I'm not sure why the last system is having issues.

All 2 systems has rev.22119 installed but it was happening with earlier versions as well. Both remote systems are running Vista x64 and both are set up as similar as possible. I can access the Database share and create new files in the directory.

Here is the error when I try to update an item in the database from the problem machine. I am just trying to mark a TV show as watched.

18:59:46 T:4944 M:1586819072 NOTICE: load default skin:[MediaStream_Redux_Mod]
18:59:47 T:4944 M:1572257792 NOTICE: initialize done
18:59:47 T:4944 M:1572257792 NOTICE: Running the application...
18:59:47 T:4944 M:1572171776 NOTICE: ES: Starting event server
18:59:47 T:3980 M:1572093952 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on
18:59:47 T:3980 M:1572093952 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
18:59:48 T:3500 M:1631944704 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
18:59:49 T:4700 M:1629810688 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
19:00:22 T:4944 M:1609449472 WARNING: DIRECTORY::CVideoDatabaseDirectory::GetLabel - Unknown nodetype requested 12
19:00:29 T:4944 M:1604112384 ERROR: DIRECTORY::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting 2/
19:00:29 T:4944 M:1607217152 WARNING: Skin has invalid include: VideoCodecFlaggingConditions
19:00:29 T:4944 M:1607217152 WARNING: Skin has invalid include: AudioCodecFlaggingConditions
19:00:29 T:4944 M:1607217152 WARNING: Skin has invalid include: AspectCodecFlaggingConditions
19:00:29 T:4944 M:1607217152 WARNING: Skin has invalid include: VideoCodecFlaggingConditions
19:00:29 T:4944 M:1607217152 WARNING: Skin has invalid include: AudioCodecFlaggingConditions
19:00:29 T:4944 M:1607217152 WARNING: Skin has invalid include: AspectCodecFlaggingConditions
19:00:41 T:4944 M:1609527296 ERROR: SQLite: Unable to open the database file
Query: update files set playCount=1,lastPlayed=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where idFile=266
19:00:41 T:4944 M:1609506816 ERROR: CVideoDatabase::MarkAsWatched failed
19:00:41 T:4944 M:1607610368 WARNING: DIRECTORY::CVideoDatabaseDirectory::GetLabel - Unknown nodetype requested 12
19:00:44 T:4740 M:1612267520 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
It's weird there is an error "Unable to open database file" when I am able to access the library just fine and all my shows are listed properly including details and fanart.

I thought it might have been a permissions problem on the shared database but the other system doesn't have this db problem...
Well I dont know your problem with the db but I know you can get rid of this invalid includes by updating to a later version of MediaStream_Redux_Mod.
Like all weird windows problems...reboot!

Solved! Mediastream_Redux_Mod is great btw.

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