MP3's - every other one won't play
Here's my info:

1. Ubuntu 9.04 (minimal install)
2. i686 (Revo) 1.6 GHz
3. Installed via PPA's
4. XBMC SVN: XBMC PRE-9.10 R21936 (Compiled Aug 3, 2009)
5. MediaStream v0.97 skin R1414
6. Pastebin

What happens:

When I go into the audio section and play a song, the first song plays no problem. However, when I try to play another song (either before the first one finishes or even letting it go automatically to the next song in the playlist), I get an error saying that the system had a "Failed to initialize audio - please check audiosettings".

But if I then go to select ANOTHER song, it plays just fine! So strange!

In essence, every OTHER song is causing the problem.

I have an .asoundrc file with the following contents:

pcm.!default {
type plug
slave {
pcm "hdmi"

My audio output device and passthrough output device are both set to "default" - lower case.

I have absolutely no problem with sound in any other area. The system works swimmingly in every other possible way...If I could get this fixed, 'twould be awesome. Thanks!
Disable crossfade. It doesn't work on digital yet without some asoundrc work. You need to enable software mixing for the digital output, I think there's some info in the alsa documentation about it.
Thanks for the suggestion, Al.

Disabling crossfade doesn't solve the problem, though.

Has anyone else had this issue and addressed it? If so, would appreciate some pointers. I'll continue researching separately.
Well that's definitely the problem in the log you posted. Please disable scan at start for both libraries to cut down on the clutter and make a new log.
Here's a smaller debug log:


EDIT: Looking through the log, there is still references in there to crossfading starting. I have disabled it in the settings (checked and double-checked). Is there some config file that I might need to edit to disable manually?
You might try wiping out the musicplayer section of userdata/guisettings.xml.
Awesome suggestion! That worked.

Now it will play all songs all the time. Sweet. Any idea when crossfading will be supported for digital audio?

Thanks again, Al!
It's supported now provided you set up alsa correctly. I already hinted at what needs done in my first reply.
Ansyhrrian Wrote:Awesome suggestion! That worked.

Now it will play all songs all the time. Sweet. Any idea when crossfading will be supported for digital audio?

Thanks again, Al!
I found a solution to the crossfading issue (over HDMI) on another thread on I've posted a copy of the asoundrc file and the instructions on how to apply it on my blog. Hopefully this helps you out!

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MP3's - every other one won't play0