Advanced Live installation
I want to install XBMC Live on a USB HDD and be able to have content on there and also have it portable (GCard boot menu).

Can anyone see a problem with the following?
  • install XBMC Live on a USB HDD in USB mode with the persistent EXT3 file.
  • Then use GParted to shrink the FAT32 partition down to the minimum it can go to.
  • Create an NTFS or EXT3 partition on the USB HDD
  • In XBMC Live add an entry in fstab to mount the NTFS/EXT3 by UUID

Also because it's based on Ubuntu can I apt-get a samba server on there as well? or will doing an "apt-get upgrade" break anything in XBMC Live?

As a side not, does anyone know if Samba Server will handle having a different IP at every boot or even a different NIC? Not sure if you can tell it to listen on all adapters or not.

Lastly, is there any switch you can use to force mount a dirty NTFS partition in your fstab?

Thanks in advance, i've been a massive fan of XBMC for years, but recently gave my old Xbox away because of the limits with HD, been using a PS3 instead. However I am toying with the idea of getting an ION based nettop now Wink

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