Zotac ION S3 'suspend only works once' issue; BIOS update fixes it
I just tried it on a vanilla install of jaunty (using minimal disc) and xbmc from the repos.
The mobo is the Zotac ION ITX C series.

The board came with BIOS version:

I saw there was an update on their site.
One of the items fixed was stated as:
"Fixed COM Port issue after S3 Resume"

who the hell knew that this would be the issue. but, i installed it out of desperation.

Updated to version:
Loaded optimal settings in bios

Suspend now works properly every time. No changes needed to anything in the linux config.

Anyway, i'm not sure that this deserves it's own new thread. However, i've struggled with it for a bit and i know others have too so maybe this helps someone.

Any questions, just ask

This has caused me so many problems. I will try it first thing tomorrow.

And thanks for the info.
Will it fix the problem with lirc and the remote?
Not sure what lirc problem you're referring to. My remote works just fine in almost all instances. The only time it doesn't work is when i have the dvd drive active (both usb, so there may be a conflict). Seeing how i don't watch often off of DVD it hasn't been an issue. Next up to get fixed though
MarkoBarko - well, I already have that BIOS installed and still only get suspend/resume to work once. After the one time, it Suspends but then immediately resumes. When installing Minimal, what options did you select? The only two options I chose were Base Server and SSH.
Well, here's the part where i deviated off the 'official' install guide.

The official guide says to check Base Server and SSH (if needed). I only did SSH and then i let apt install the required dependencies when i installed the xbmc packages
MarkoBarko Wrote:Well, here's the part where i deviated off the 'official' install guide.

The official guide says to check Base Server and SSH (if needed). I only did SSH and then i let apt install the required dependencies when i installed the xbmc packages

Interesting...I will give it a whirl tomorrow. Thanks for coming back to the thread and answering my question.
oh, just to make sure, the


setting for grub was actually vital in combination with the bios upgrade for me. maybe you missed that step in the instructions?
MarkoBarko - here is what happens with my installs:

without usbcore.autosuspend=-1 : first suspend/resume works perfect. Second suspend actually suspends but immediately resumes. After reboot, I can suspend/resume once again but then the second won't work, and on and on.

with usbcore.autosuspend=-1 : the first suspend doesn't work. It tries to suspend, but doesn't.
This is totally bizarre. One guy fixed, other guy fails. Not the first time i've seen it happen on the forums for this issue.

Well, let me know if you need config files or any testing done. I'll do it for you when i get home later
MarkoBarko Wrote:This is totally bizarre. One guy fixed, other guy fails. Not the first time i've seen it happen on the forums for this issue.

In my case NOT installing the latest nVidia-drivers solved the problem.
MarkoBarko - what nvidia drivers are you running? I am running 185.18.36. Also, what version of ALSA are you running? I am running 1.0.20.
Thx a lot!!!!

I also had the problem not being able to wake up the system from s3 state twice in row (second time system would hang) although i had the newest bios.

But with adding
usbcore.autosuspend=-1 to menu.lst I solved the problem.

thx a lot again!!!

btw: i'm using the xbmc freak live cd

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Zotac ION S3 'suspend only works once' issue; BIOS update fixes it0