[XBOX] IMDb scraper keeps asking for names
Hi All,

I have just updated my xbox version of XBMC to T3CH rev23183 of september 27th 2009.

I also wanted to start out fresh with my Movie database, so I cleared out all content sources and started again by assigning content to a particular folder as movies, whilst selecting IMDb as the scraper.

Somehow it does not scan anything into the library. When I go into the folder and select Movie Info on a particular folder, it continously asks for the name, when selecting finish, it quickly shows the search screen and then reasks the name. It does not scan anything. Another thing I noticed is that I could not select settings when I select the IMDB scraper, where I can with several other scrapers.

What am I doing wrong here? Do I have the correct scraper? Has it changed?

PS: Additional info: Logs state this:

23:47:08 M: 37445632 ERROR: CIMDB:Tonguerocess: Error looking up movie 50 First Dates (2004)

Well, I knew about the error, but this is as much as it will tell me.
see my signature - u need to enable debug logging...

Basically from what I can understand from the logs is that it cannot find certain dll's.
please don't cut logs, i need all the info. if its passwords you are worried about, replace them before uploading.
Sorry, posted the entire log. Let me know if you need more and thanks!
where's the new url? Smile
Ok, so the overwrite did not work ;-) Did not check.

Here is the new url:

nope. old log. and no, it's not cache as i'm on a new pc even
the new log is located here:

You didn't update: Starting XBMC, Platform: Xbox. Built on Jan 25 2009
Use the T3CH updater or rename your folders to make it launch the new build.
(look here for some ideas on setting the default to your new build.)
When posting about a problem please submit a debug log to give you the best chance at getting an answer. It's easy, painless, and helps provide necessary information.
Cool. that solved it. Moved the new XBMC to the _New folder and redirected evo.

Thanks! It is now scanning.

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[XBOX] IMDb scraper keeps asking for names0