Crashing when listening to music
i recently bought an Acer Revo to use XBMC. I'm running it under a fresh Ubuntu Karmic install.

When i play music, after a random amount of time (can be 1 min or 5 min), XBMC suddenly closes. No error, no freeze, juste XBMC closing.

I had this bug with the beta (using ppa:xbmc-team), and with the latest SVN (using sourceforge or ppa:xbmc-team-svn).

XBMC never did that while i was watching a film or a TV Show. Juste with music. I disabled the LastFM scrobbler to make sure it wasn't that.

Here is a crashlog, if you want more crashlogs just tell me :

I hope someone will look into that. Thanks Smile.
I'm getting the same thing happen to me, running beta version on ASrock 330
Here's my log...maybe something to do with pulseaudio? I've removed it as it was stopping my DD sound working on HD vids.

i'd need a crashlog but i'm 80% certain it's project m. try disabling it to confirm.
I encountered the same error when playing music and also removed PulseAudio, but that did not help. In addition to this error, ProjectM also stopped working; I would just get a black screen, and sometimes slight movement in the beginning.

I have now changed from ProjectM to opengl_spectrum, and XBMC has not yet crashed. I have to say, though, that opengl_spectrum is slightly less entertaining to watch.
sure, i have a half-arsed fix (which i plan to unarse if i can find the time) and/or a workaround for final release. just want to make sure it's the problem.
Well, a no-arsed solution is better than a half-arsed one I suppose...
spiff Wrote:i'd need a crashlog but i'm 80% certain it's project m. try disabling it to confirm.

Disabled it and everything works smoothly so far.

Thanks a lot for your quick answer Big Grin
I'll check in a bit, it doesn't do it all the time though, and at random times too. Think I did switch back to ProjectM after it defaulted to Opengl - its very 'unentertaining'!

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Crashing when listening to music0