ASRock ION 330HT WPA Woes
Im trying desperately to avoid bloating my new 330HT by installing Windows or Ubuntu with full blown GUI however after 3 days of reading and experimenting I have almost given up. Here is what I have so far.

When I boot up the box, there is no wifi connection however I can get it working but it requires me doing the following each time and its getting a little bit annoying!
  • Switch to terminal (CTRL ALT F1)
  • Login with xbmc account
  • run sudo iwlist wlan0 scan
  • run sudo wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa.conf -B
  • run dhclient wlan0 -r
  • run dhclient wlan0

Once done, i can then switch back to the XBMC UI (Ctrl Alt F7) and it works, I can browse my Windows 7 shares, play mp3s and movies etc.

To get the above to run I have added the following to the /etc/network/interfaces file

#Wireless Connection
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp

Previous to this I have also created the conf file with wpa_passphrase ssidname mykey > /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa.conf but then you already knew that after reading the commands above anyway!

Initially I was trying to put all the settings for the connection in /etc/network/interfaces for wpa including the encryption key etc but I could never get the DHCP broadcast to get an answer.

If it helps I am using SkyBroadbands Sagem router which utilises WPA (not WPA2) and WirelessG.

If anyone can help me change the config in some way so that the wlan auto connects on reboot that would be great.

put the commands you wish to execute in the /etc/rc.local file right before the line that says "exit 0"

rc.local is the Ubuntu equivalent of the DOS autoexec.bat.
Use mythicalLibrarian to make a library out of your MythTV files. Leave the recording to MythTV and use XBMC as your library.
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Hmm yes, this could work very well. Are the commands executed here with root privs. or is there a way to provide the password in response to the sudo command ?
should be root unless you have something funky going on. no need to use sudo.

another option, to reinit after suspend or startup would be to put the commands into a separate script in /etc/pm/resume.d/ and make sure the first line is #! /bin/bash, the last line should be exit 0
Use mythicalLibrarian to make a library out of your MythTV files. Leave the recording to MythTV and use XBMC as your library.
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ASRock ION 330HT WPA Woes0