Strange Digi-Noise playing DD 5.1 and DTS over ION HDMI Audio
This issue is on a Revo 1600, windows XP. PCM output of music or 2 channel movies is fine. The problem occurs when trying to bitstream DD 5.1 or DTS from a DVD. This used to work flawlessly and now all I get is digi-noise.

Tried another install of XBMC in a different dir
Tried VLC (same result),
Tried re-installing driver 1.00.59 HDMI audio and still no luck.

I think maybe installing LogMeIn might have messed it up but its hard to pinpoint. Any suggestions before I restore my known working image....

I used to have some kind of sound problems but with all kind of sound. It turns out it was a bad vga cable near the sound cables. In general check the cables near the HDMI cable. Maybe some bad/broken cable interfering your sound signal.

Hope this helps.


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Strange Digi-Noise playing DD 5.1 and DTS over ION HDMI Audio0