Macbook Air superdrive or alternative ATV DVD
Hello everyone.. I have just recently started playing with ATV and have installed XBMC, Boxee and Nito so far with success. I have dome some searching and see with Nito its possible to have a external DVD but really cant find a answer on weather or not the Air Superdrive is able to be used with the ATV. I like the small form factor of that drive, plus it apple Smile, but if its not able to be used is there any suggestions on a small alternative? It would be convenient to have a DVD drive on one of the ATV's i have.. thanks alot for the help

It's not possible to use the Air Superdrive on anything but a MacBook Air without hardware hacks to it. Google for it.
Yea i seen that, which doesnt look that difficult. My question being after the Hack will the ATV power the drive and have access to it.. And if not has anyone found a sleek external dvd like the air drive.. i have a external at my work that is as big as the ATV Smile..


I've just spent ages reading about this, and rewriting this message! Here's the original mod for anyone interested in reading it.

It should work with a software hack on ATV with Linux: [atv-bootloader] MacBook Air (MBA) SuperDrive working on Apple TV

Someone has ported that code to Windows, but I couldn't find anything for other macs except the hardware hack. There are problems burning under OS X using the hardware hack that don't occur with Windows. The previous link links to a solution but it might possibly be OK with a powered USB hub. The original modder is blaming the quality of the replacement USB-IDE bridge. From what I gather, if you're not burning, it should be fine.

I've put this on my list of things to do. Cheaper price/international shipping on the adapter at Focalprice, though I've never heard of them before this. One could probably get a slim, slot-loading Blu-ray drive into an Air Superdrive case.
LOL, I totally forgot about that atv-bootloader mailing list entry.

Beware that Apple traditionally limits USB slots from pulling more that 500mA of current, the AppleTV is no exception to this.
thanks you two for the help... i'll give it a shot..

If you're happy to hardware hack, iPhone wall chargers deliver 1000mA. You might want to find a longer USB cable for it. Though, the software hack linked above says:
Quote:* The MBA SuperDrive needs 1100mA supply from the host USB Port
* No promises if you ignore this.

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Macbook Air superdrive or alternative ATV DVD0