VDPAU Failure on 'latest' Lucid, vdpauinfo error 23.
This one took me the better part of an hour to figure out, I figure someone might run into the same thing.

I just got Toy Story 3 mkv and went to play it, but it was playing horrible.

I checked the xbmc logs and the "VDPAU device failed to open". After reinstalling everything from xbmc to the nvidia drivers. I installed vdpauinfo.

Note, if you're running vdpauinfo over ssh, you first need to do an
export DISPLAY=:0, otherwise you'll get a display error.

It turned up an error 23, which lead me to this thread.. After creating a swap file, enabling it, vdpauinfo ran great, so did the movie.

Now what happened to my original swap...
It turns out that that somewhere along the line Lucid decided to change the UUID* calculation methods. My fstab file didn't match the newer UUID files. My swap partition wasn't getting mounted. VDPAU didn't have enough memory without the swap file (I only have 1G) and bamn, I can't watch HD movies in XBMC.

So check out your /dev/disk/by-uuid/ and compare it to your /etc/fstab file and make sure that they match if you start running into odd VDPAU failures

*I thought the whole point of the UUID was it was a never changing no matter what happens in the world unique value so that this DIDN'T happen...

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VDPAU Failure on 'latest' Lucid, vdpauinfo error 23.0