[REQUEST] Is there plugin to show 'available now' movies new out on DVD and Blu-ray?
Are there any plugins out there that show you a list of movies that are currently available to either purchase or download? I was flicking through the Apple Trailers Lite plugin and realised that all the movies being displayed are for 'upcoming movies'. I'm in the process of modding the code for Apple Trailers Lite but it's starting to become a nightmare. I just want to know if it has been done. If not I'll continue trying to make this plugin but my Python coding is terrible.
Movies availble to purchase/download from where?
Yeah I had a feeling people would be confused with my message. Essentially what I meant was is there a plugin available right now where you can browse through movies that are available to either purchase in store or download via iTunes? For instance, it's late at night, nothing on TV, you flick through the trailer list and then find a movie you like and then just login to iTunes to purchase. iTunes Movie section ha this feature right now on Apple TV. It doesn't have to be integrated with iTunes.
Still confused. So you login to purchase it. Where does it go? It downloads on your computer?

Then what? XBMC won't stream from the internet like AppleTV will.

Now.... integration with CouchPotato Smile
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `xbmc_%`.* TO 'xbmc'@'%';
IF you have a mysql problem, find one of the 4 dozen threads already open.
I think he wants a couchpotato style "coming soon" list. The release dates of DVDs could be scrapped from IMDB (or where ever couchpotato gets them from).

Although I agree a list isn't very useful unless you have a means of accessing that media (which is why couchpotato is good, it provides a list, a search and a download function).

But basically he wants Next Aired or TVrage plugins for movies.

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[REQUEST] Is there plugin to show 'available now' movies new out on DVD and Blu-ray?0