Handling of dublicate movies in the library

a feature I would like to have and could not find in the forum is that when you have the same movie in different locations (different hard drives) instead of showing multiple entries for the movie in the library, they should be combined.

Maybe even to a point where you select the movie and XBMC checks if one of the versions is available and plays it.

I hope this has not been mentioned before or is indeed an option. If so..im sorry and pls delete the thread.Blush
I have to ask, why in the world would you keep 2 copies of the same movie? Shouldn't you just delete one?
Yeah, I have to say this is a feature that would be a real pain. Sometimes I have a movie in 2 different resolutions and I need to be able to see the difference to keep my collection clean. If the entries were combined it would make a real mess for me.
well i share a flat and we have one HTPC running xbmc connected to the tv

now we both have our own collection of films...and thus dublicates. One connects his hard drive only when he wants to watch a film. So the library has several dublicates in it.

While I can see your point that the autocheck and play would make things messy for people who do not have the same problem as I do, I think it would still be nicer to merge the dublicates into one and then if selected offer the choice between the two versions.
Sounds like what you guys need more is to set up different profiles. This would solve all of your duplicate movies.

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Handling of dublicate movies in the library0