[Bug] Can someone confirm?
I submitted a TARC ticket the other day detailing what I think is a bug. http://trac.xbmc.org/ticket/11050

However, there hasn't yet been any comments or actions. I also wanted to know if others were having the same issue...

[note: doesn't seem to be a problem in Dharma. This bug resides in Git]
I have normal expected behavior. I tried with library turned on and off.

:confused2: Sorry

Well that's odd. Are you running off the latest Git?
xgamer99 Wrote:=/

Well that's odd. Are you running off the latest Git?

No. Sorry I didnt notice your version until after I posted. I have the released version of Dharma Live HD install.
Alas, no I don't experience the same problem ... Same version.

Both in file mode and library, it just plays ... I don't use the keyboard, I have my system tucked away but use an MCE remote ... I press 'OK' which is "select" and it just starts up. Then I get the usual wait X mins until the visualisation kicks in.
I just downgraded to Dharma and that works as expected. So it definitely something in the latest Git
Could you please change the topic to something more specific?
Vero 4k+ | OSMC Kodi 19.1
Sony KD-65A1
Bobby Blixberg Wrote:Could you please change the topic to something more specific?

Done. Wink

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[Bug] Can someone confirm?0