Successfully intgrated Netflix, Hulu, or HD Homerun?
I have used XBMC for xbox for many years now and love it..

Now using it downstairs on a Projector and ZBOX HD-id11 (Windows 7 -64bit)
Im using the Night skin...

Has anyone successfully integrated Netflix, Hulu, or HD Homerun ?

I would be fine with just having a shortcut and it loads Netflix via firefox..
or a menu option to run Hulu and it kicks in full screen the hulu desktop..
or HDHomerun Tv tunner..

If you are running XBMC for Windows, there's actually a Netflix addon in the repository. For Hulu, you can try using the Hulu plugin from the Bluecop repository found here:

I have no info on HD homerun.
Last night I found the most recent Netflix plug-in I will try tonight.

Thanks for the link, will try it also tonight.
Did it work out?
How is the performance of the ID11 concerning Netflix streaming in HD?
I got it working, but it was sub par.

So I got something else working instead.

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Successfully intgrated Netflix, Hulu, or HD Homerun?0