Standby Modes - Torrents
Hi all,

I wondered if there was a standby mode available which keeps enough of the hardware awake to keep torrents/sickbeard etc. running? I presume not but thought I would ask.

If not are poeple using these services leaving the box on at all times or is there an alternative I am missing (scheduling etc.)

Cyberkid2002 Wrote:Hi all,

I wondered if there was a standby mode available which keeps enough of the hardware awake to keep torrents/sickbeard etc. running? I presume not but thought I would ask.

If not are poeple using these services leaving the box on at all times or is there an alternative I am missing (scheduling etc.)

I'm pretty sure most people leave it running. That's why most of us opt for lower power hardware (such as the intel atom).
If your MB supports it, you could try Wakeup over RTC (Real Time Clock) to wake the computer up say every few hours and then sleep it automatically after 10-15 minutes if there is no activity.
XBMC Live: i3 530 / GT210 / 2GB / SSD + 2 x Zotac HD01 / 2GB / SSD
unRAID Pro: 6 x 1TB + 2 x 1.5TB + 2 x 2TB + 2 x 500G over GbE
HP Micro Server: SABnzbd+, Sickbeard, Couchpotato, uTorrent, Media Companion, MySQL, MKV Toolnix

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Standby Modes - Torrents0