[xbox] How do I scrape hi-res movie posters?
Ok...this has been driving me bonkers for the better part of a week. When I add a movie to my library, the scraper will download the world's tiniest movie poster thumbnail then blow it up to full screen (720p) in library mode which looks god-awful.

I've tried using IMDB scraper with settings for posters on both 512 and 1024 to no effect. I still get only the tiny thumbnails.

I've tried using TMDB scraper with the same results. For this scraper, I even went to the TMDB website, checked out the API, loaded up the associated XML for a given movie, and discovered that movie posters are available in four sizes; thumb (92x131), cover (185x263), mid (500x710), and original (1000x1419). I went into the TMDB.xml scraper file and noticed that it had a call for both "mid" and "original", however, I seem to be getting only the pathetic "thumb" sizes. I even changed "mid" to "original" so that "original" was the ONLY size called for, but I still get the oh-so-crappy "thumb" size.

I installed XBMC on my mac powerbook then ran TMDB scrapper on a few movies. Using the laptop, it downloads the "original" poster size. So...I looked at the new TMDB scraper and saw that it has a slightly different call system for getting posters. I edited the movie poster portion of the xbox scraper to match the newer laptop version and ... I get the ever-present-but-horribly-ugly "thumb" size.

I would really like to have the mid (500x710) size posters but am about at wits end. This is my call for help. Does anyone know how to force the xbox to download and use the larger poster sizes?

[solved] http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Adv...umbsize.3E I set <thumbsize> to 512 in advancedsettings.xml

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[xbox] How do I scrape hi-res movie posters?0